ArcGIS Chapter 4

This chapter introduces ArcCatalog which is used to manage geographic data. It allows us to search and look for data before determining what we can do with it.  It was very interesting to learn how ArcCatalog and GIS can help paint a clearer picture of the data before us. I am sure in this case of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, this software really helped to even make presentations to other people explaining how and when it disappeared.

Published in: on February 28, 2009 at 3:53 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. […] 7, 02/22/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 3 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 4 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 5 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 6 Week 7, 02/28/2009: […]

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