ArcGIS Chapter 19

This exercise really reminded me of the one with Africa where we had to create different maps for a geography class. It was fun to make maps of India for a presentation but all four parts were very tedious.

It took me a while to figure out how to make both maps of India the same size. In the end, I just typed in the exact size for the map so they could both be equal. Panning them out took me a little more time because I was trying to make the two maps look as close to one another as possible. The great amount of effort I put in was unnecessary though.

Putting in titles, north arrow, scale bar and legend sounded easy, but it took me a long time to complete this exercise. At least it felt like it.

Published in: on March 4, 2009 at 5:48 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. […] Week 7, 02/22/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 3 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 4 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 5 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 6 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 7 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 8 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 9 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 10 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 11 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 12 Week 7, 02/28/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 13 Week 8, 03/02/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 14 Week 8, 03/02/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 15 Week 8, 03/02/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 16 Week 8, 03/04/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 17 Week 8, 03/04/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 18 Week 8, 03/04/2009: ArcGIS Chapter 19 […]

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