DATA and COTA bus

DATA bus runs from Mondays to Fridays only. The earliest bus is at 5:30 am and the last bus leaves at 7 pm.

There are three routes:

  1. Green route schedule that goes from Delaware to Wal-Mart at Delaware Plaza, Super Wal-Mart on US Route 23 and Polaris.
  2. Blue Route Schedule
  3. Red Route Schedule

This is the schedule and routes used by DATA bus.

Click to access FixedRoutesJanuary2009.pdf

The fare for students is $0.50 each way so the total trip for OWU students to and from super Wal-Mart on 23 and/or Polaris is only $1. The fare for other bus users is $1 each way.

DATA does not go to Columbus but DATA can be used to access COTA (Central Ohio Transit Authority) at the Crosswoods Park-N-Ride. There is an agreement between DATA and COTA to accept each others transfers so transfering from DATA to COTA does not cost any additonal fare.

Published in: on April 1, 2009 at 4:02 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. […] Week 7, 02/22/2009: Vehicles owned by Public Safety Week 12, 04/01/2009: Detailed Project Timeline Week 12, 04/01/2009: DATA and COTA Bus — Routes and Fares Week 13, 04/06/2009: Information on Campus Vehicles from B & G Week 15, 04/20/2009: D.A.T.A. […]

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